Application Developer Issues SIG
| SIG Affiliation The Application Developer Issues SIG is one of the four Special Interest Groups that make up the North Texas Microsoft Developer SIGs; the other three are the Beginning Visual Basic SIG, the Advanced Visual Basic SIG, and the Microsoft Access SIG. Each of the North Texas Microsoft Developer SIGs themselves are Special Interest Groups of the North Texas PC User Group. While NTPCUG membership is not a requirement to attend North Texas Microsoft Developer SIG meetings, we strongly encourage you to join the NTPCUG and participate in other NTPCUG SIGs that may be of interest to you. The NTPCUG main meeting is held on the third Saturday of each month at North Lake College in Irving. For more information regarding NTPCUG SIGs in general, please visit the NTPCUG SIGs web site. A list of NTPCUG membership benefits may be found at NTPCUG Membership Benefits. To join the NTPCUG, please fill out the NTPCUG Membership Application. SIG Themes The Application Developer Issues SIG focuses on providing information to developers that assists them in (1) developing applications that use Microsoft tools and technologies, (2) engineering applications through various design methodologies, and (3) staying abreast of legal developments and industry trends that affect developers. Starting in 2002, The Microsoft Developer SIGs embarked in a new direction. All four SIGs, while still retaining their separate identities, now coordinate their presentations around common themes that are of practical assistance to developers. Rather than just discussing various Microsoft products, tools, and technologies, various aspects of development are demonstrated by the use of several different themes. One of our objectives is to discuss those themes that are relevant to you as the developer. To that end, we are conducting a survey, North Texas Microsoft Developer SIGs 2003 Survey, where you have the opportunity to provide your input into the themes that we will cover during the year 2003. We strongly encourage you to participate in this survey so that you will be aware of and have the opportunity to participate in the selection of these themes. SIG Purpose The Application Developer Issues SIG was formerly known as the ActiveX Application Developers SIG, and prior to that, the Application Developers (OLE/ODBC) SIG. While we have not abandoned by any means our coverage of the use of ActiveX, OLE or ODBC technologies in application development, we felt that this name change more accurately reflects what our SIG is all about. This SIG is the only NTPCUG SIG for developers that does not focus exclusively on a particular product or vendor but rather exists to assist developers (and users as well) in their development in all respects of applications for either business or personal use. There are three primary areas that the Application Developer Issues SIG focuses on: 1. Discussion of application development using Microsoft® tools and technologies– while the software tools and technologies we cover originate from Microsoft (Office Developer Edition, VBA, Visual Basic®, ActiveX, ADO, ODBC, SOAP, .NET etc.), we also cover the utilization of these technologies in non-Microsoft end products (such as the use of VBA in third party products) and the utilization of various Microsoft products (such as Office and VB) in the development of vertical industry specific applications; 2. Discussion of application engineering by the use of methodologies and architectures for development– this area focuses on such matters as documenting system specifications, and structured analysis and system specification that assist developers in planning and evaluating their applications; 3. Discussion of non-software issues such as industry news and legal matters that are important to developers– we recognize that developers do not operate in a software vacuum and thus our SIG raises awareness of issues such as contract specifications and intellectual property developments that are very pertinent to the software developer. While most of our attendees are developers, we also welcome and encourage users, would-be developers and anyone else interested in application development, particularly with Microsoft tools and technologies, to attend. The SIG Leader is Daniel Ogden with Larry Linson, and Linda Moore as Assistant SIG Leaders. |
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