Application Developer Issues SIG
Microsoft Las Colinas Campus, 7000 State Highway 161, Irving, Texas The Microsoft South Central District Las Colinas office campus is located at 7000 State Highway 161, Irving, Texas, just off of U.S..Hwy.114 & State Highway 161. You may view or download a map to the campus.
The campus is located on the south side of Hwy. 161. To reach the campus from Dallas, take Interstate 35 north to Hwy. 114, go west on Hwy. 114 toward the airport to the Hwy. 161 exit. Turn right at the light (north onto Hwy. 161), go approximately 1/2 mile until you see the two the red brick buildings on your right just before you come to MacArthur. To reach the campus from Ft. Worth, take Hwy. 183 east toward Dallas, to the Hwy.161 exit. Exit and take Hwy.161 past Hwy. 114 approximately 1/2 mile until you see the two red brick buildings on your right just before you come to MacArthur.
We meet in the MPR (Multi Purpose Room) on the 4th Floor of in building LC-1, which is the west red brick building on the Microsoft Irving campus (building LC-2 is the east red brick building). Park in the parking garage behind building LC-1, enter the building through the rear door, go to the front elevator, and take the elevator to the 4th Floor.
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